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It is possible to enter Singapore without a WHO-approved vaccination from August 29

Travelers who are not fully vaccinated will no longer be required to undergo a seven-day notice-to-home (SHN) quarantine upon arrival in Singapore starting August 29, 2022.

The relaxation of these travel measures, announced by the interministerial Covid-19 task force on Wednesday (Aug. 24), is due to an improved local and global pandemic situation.

Nevertheless, travelers must submit a negative test on entry, taken two days before leaving for Singapore.

This test can be
  • Either a PCR test
  • or a professional rapid antigen test (ART)
  • or a self-administered RTT under the remote supervision of a licensed service provider in Singapore.

Travelers will also still be required to purchase travel insurance from Covid-19 to cover the duration of their stay in Singapore.

Travelers are considered fully vaccinated if they have received a full course of WHO-approved vaccines.

Fully vaccinated travelers can enter Singapore without applying for entry clearance, taking Covid-19 tests or passing SHN, as these restrictions were lifted in April. They must present proof of vaccination in English or translated into English, containing personal identification information that can be matched against their passports.

If you need assistance with visa processing and planning your trip to Singapore, the RSBSS specialists are always ready to help you.