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Trade turnover between Russia and Singapore increased by 35.6% in 2021

The trade turnover between Russia and Singapore in 2021 exceeded $2.2 billion and increased by 35.6% compared to 2020. This was reported by the Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Singapore Alexander Svinin.

Russia's exports amounted to $1.67 billion and increased by 45.1% compared to 2020. Imports from Singapore totaled $0.6 billion, up 14.8%. Machines, equipment and vehicles, textiles and textile products accounted for the largest increase in exports from Russia to Singapore. At the same time, a sharp decline in the volume of imports from Singapore goods group "mineral products" and "mineral fuel, petroleum and products of their distillation.

The Russian trade representative in Singapore also said that Russia's non-energy exports last year amounted to more than $188 million, a record since 2017.

In early 2022, there were significant exports from Russia to Singapore in categories such as food and machinery and equipment.